The weather was sunny and a little cold today, we thought maybe the cooler weather would make some of the animals at Zoo Boise come out and play...we were right!
I love big cats and was so happy to see the Snow Leopard out of his little house...

And the tigers were prowling their enclosure too...

We have seen the lions 3 or 4 times now, but this is the first time we were right there next to Papa when he put on a real show...he roared over and over for a few minutes, later we heard him do it again, from across the Zoo!

There are two Giraffes at Zoo Boise, one is 2-3 years old and one that is 1-2 years old. This is the smaller one...

A new addition to Zoo Boise, it is some kind of Pheasant, I wish I had written it down! Will come back and update if I can find it...

We found the brick with Connor and his cousin's names on it! (We donated $50 when they were building the new African Plains area)

And just for fun, here are a couple Retro Cam App shots from my Droid...

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